My ranking is 216/1250. I got 350 points and played by myself. I spent 6ish hours. I didn’t do as good as good as I hoped. I wish myself better luck next weekend.

  1. Excellent Crackme (150 points)

Excellent Crackme (150 points)

In this reversing challenge, we are given an excel file. You will be greeted with a crackme in Excel, which looks like crackme

After typing in something in the box and clicking Check flag, the Excel doc will determine whether your input is correct via a macro. A macro is a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) script that automates tasks such as checking mouse clicks or key presses.

To access the macro, modify the excel file extension to a zip and unzip it. Look for a file called vbaProject.bin. steps

Next, I decompiled the VBA binary with pcode2code, running pcode2code vbaProject.bin -o decompile.

I filtered out code that didn’t matter and modified a few things to make it more readable:

Private Sub VolgaCTF()
  Dim K6Jq6qvy As String
  Dim fpqigdwkxf As Long
  Dim hiedpuxyvs As Long
  Dim CLAO4r As Long
  K6Jq6qvy = "L15"
  For vbrexxoiuk = 1 To Len(K6Jq6qvy)
    fpqigdwkxf = 0
    For hbzugliakq = 1 To Len(K6Jq6qvy)
      hiedpuxyvs = CInt(Cells(99 + vbrexxoiuk, 99 + hbzugliakq).Value)
      rJ1UnHB = Mid(K6Jq6qvy, hbzugliakq, 1)
      fpqigdwkxf = fpqigdwkxf + hiedpuxyvs * Asc(rJ1UnHB)
    Next hbzugliakq
    CLAO4r = CLng(Cells(99 + vbrexxoiuk, 99 + Len(K6Jq6qvy) + 1).Value)
    If (CLAO4r <> fpqigdwkxf) Then
      MsgBox "bad"
      Exit Sub
    End If
  Next vbrexxoiuk
  MsgBox "good"
End Sub

It still wasn’t that readable to me so I converted it into my own Python psuedocode:

for x in range(1, len(guess)):
    f = 0
    for i in range(1, len(guess)):
        h = cell[99 + x:99 + i]
        r = guess[i]
        f += h * ord(r)
    c = cell[99 + x: 99 + len(guess) + 1]
    if c != f:

I visualized this in my head and noticed that Row(h) * Col(r) = c where h, r, and c are of length guessed flag. This is equivalent to a simple matrix multiplication problem. So I wrote my code to solve it.

import xlrd
import numpy as np

workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('VolgaCTF_excel_crackme.xlsm')
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('Лист1')

for length in range(10, 50): # Guessing flag length
    A = []
    C = []

    for i in range(length):
        a = []
        for j in range(length):
            a.append(int(worksheet.cell(99 + i, 99 + j).value))
        C.append([int(worksheet.cell(99 + i, 99 + length).value)])

    # Our goal is to solve for B when we know that A * B = C
    # A^-1 * A * B = A^-1 * C
    # Therefore, B = A^-1 * C
    A = np.array(A)
    C = np.array(C)
    B = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(C)
    B = [int(round(e)) for b in B.tolist() for e in b]
    if B[0] == 86: # equal to 'V', first letter of 'VolgaCTF{}'
        print(''.join(chr(e) for e in B))

The flag is VolgaCTF{7h3_M057_M47h_cr4ckM3_y0u_3V3R_533N}.